Markus Gollrad

Dr. iur.

Markus Gollrad

Representative before the UPC

Dr. iur.

Markus Gollrad

Representative before the UPC

Markus Gollrad advises on all issues of patent law. His main areas of expertise include patent infringement and nullity proceedings as well as drafting and negotiating license agreements and research and development agreements. He is a lecturer in patent and trademark law at the Technical University of Berlin.

In its 2024 ranking, Handelsblatt/Best Lawyers lists Markus Gollrad in the category “Ones to Watch” for Intellectual Property Law.

Markus Gollrad speaks German, English and French.

Fields of Practice

  • Patent litigation
  • Licensing contracts
  • R&D agreements


Law studies at the University of Leipzig, first state examination in 2013. Second state examination at the Higher Regional Court of Dresden in 2015. Doctorate in patent law at the Free University of Berlin in 2021. Several training-related stays in France and Spain. From 2016 to 2021 research associate at the Department of Business, Corporate and Technology Law and coordinator of the Center for Intellectual Property at the TU Berlin. He was project manager of several research projects. Attorney at law since 2020, at Eisenführ Speiser since 2023.


  • Licensing Executives Society (LES)
  • German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR)
  • Association of Intellectual Property Experts (VPP)

Publications & Presentations

Competition-IP Interface: Transactions, Collaboration and Unilateral Conduct (Germany)

in Thomson Reuters Practical Law, 2024

Landgericht München I 20.07.2023 - 7 O 5416/23: Einstweilige Verfügung bei Eingriff in den Justizgewährungsanspruch

in GRUR Patent 2023, 270

Die neue Ausnahmeregelung der Erschöpfung – Was sind berechtigte Gründe?

in GRUR Patent 2023, 242

Blockchain, Smart Contracts und Künstliche Intelligenz

in: Kipker, Rechtshandbuch Cybersecurity, Beck, 2. Auflage 2023

Dogmatik und Voraussetzungen der patentrechtlichen Erschöpfung – Plädoyer für eine Reform des Zustimmungsmerkmals

Dissertation, Carl Heymanns Verlag, 2022

Kommentierung § 9 PatentG

Beck-Online Kommentar, C.H. Beck, mit Jürgen Ensthaler (since December 2021)

Baukastenmodell statt Automatisierungsstufen: Anknüpfungspunkte für die Regulierung automatisierter Fahrzeuge

RAW 2020, S. 103

Der lange Weg zum automatisierten Fahren

Editorial, InTeR 2020, S. 193

Rechtsgrundlagen des automatisierten Fahrens – Standardessentielle Patente und Fahrzeugvernetzung, Zulässigkeit und Zulassung, Haftungsrecht, Datenschutz, Datensicherheit und Datenhoheit

Deutscher Fachverlag, 2019, with Jürgen Ensthaler

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