Due Diligence





  • 现有知识产权分析和估值
  • 识别并保护现有的专业技术
  • 识别竞争优势和盈利潜力
  • 风险管理


Eisenführ Speiser 公司的律师同时具备技术和法律方面卓越能力。如有特殊需要,您可与以下公司成员取得联系,他们将为您推荐满足需求的专业团队。



六月 2024

Hannah Gruchow and Sönke Scheltz on the Webcast „Sicher durch den Patentdschungel: Umgang mit Schutzrechten von Dritten“

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四月 2024

Eisenführ Speiser and Bucerius Law School invite you to UPC Conference in Hamburg

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四月 2021

Eisenführ Speiser cooperates with Deutsche Börse Venture Network

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»The law firm, traditionally experienced in litigation, also enjoys a good reputation in contentious client work«


The Legal 500 Deutschland 2024
Legal 500 Top Tier 2024

»They truly immerse themselves in each case and their clients' technologies and bring great technical skill and a real-world, practical viewpoint that is highly appreciated«

IAM Patent 2024
IAM 2024

»The mixed IP law firm is one of the very active German prosecution practices, but it is also very active in litigation«

JUVE Patent 2023
JUVE Patent 2023

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